2021 New Mexico State Fair – Model Contest and Results
Creative Arts – Division 13
Models – Military, Science Fiction & Others
Sections 471-474 Sponsored by Albuquerque Scale Modelers
Section 471: Youth (ages 11 and under)
Section 472: Senior Youth (ages 12-17)
Section 473: Adult (ages 18 and over)
Section 474: Professional (anyone teaching or selling for profit)
NOTE: ASM members in the Masters and Intermediate Divisions are required to enter models in Section 474: Professional.
ASM Display
- Aircraft, Jet – Large scale (1/48 scale & larger)
- Aircraft, Jet – Small scale (1/72 scale & smaller)
- Aircraft, Non-Jet – Large scale (1/48 scale & larger)
- Aircraft, Non-Jet – Small scale (1/72 scale & smaller)
- Diorama – miniature scene, wholly or partially three-dimensional, depicting model in a naturalistic and realistic setting
- Flying Models, including flying rockets
- Helicopters – Jet & Non-Jet – All scales
- Military Vehicles – Fully Tracked –Large scale (1/35 scale & larger)
- Military Vehicles – Fully Tracked – Small scale (1/48 scale & smaller)
- Military Vehicles & Equipment-Non Tracked & Half Tracks-Small scale (1/48 & smaller)
- Military Vehicles & Equipment Non Tracked & Half Tracks-Large Scale (1/35 & Larger)
- Miniature Figure – single-footed or mounted figure
- Miniature Figure Vignette – maximum of 3 related human, animal or equipment figures, no vehicles
- Miscellaneous (none of the above)
- Powered Ships
- Sailing Ships & Oared Ships
- Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures – Including Anime, Gudams, Robotech
- Science Fiction, Spacecraft, etc. (excluding figures)
NOTE: Only one entry per class.
Contest Summary
The 2021 State Fair Contest had a good showing with 50 total models entered in the contest by 25 entrants. Numbers were down due to the COVID pandemic. Thanks to all who participated in the contest and in the ASM display, helped with the model entries and pick-up, and did the judging.
The Youth section had 1 entry by 1 entrant. The Best of Show – Youth was the Apollo 11 Landing by Cayden Guerra. The Senior Youth section had 1 entry by 1 entrant. The Best of Show – Senior Youth was a very nicely done USS Missouri battleship by Cole Darnell.
The Adult section had 30 models by 16 entrants. The Best of Show – Adult was the IJN Nagato battleship by Byron Gore. The Professional (ASM members) section had 18 models by 7 entrants. The Best of Show – Professional was a Warhorse Y-Wing Diorama by James Medina. There were some great models in contention in both of these sections.
ASM’s “71st Anniversary of the Korean War 1950-1953” display filled one case with 33 total models ranging from 1/144 scale to 1/35 scale. Three of the “Korean War” display models were also contest entries. The display included a high level description of the Korean War and maps showing what had occurred during the invasion, the UN counterattack, the Chinese intervention, and the eventual stalemate. Information cards covered the major battles, including the retreat to the Punsan Perimeter, the Inchon Landing, the Chosin Reservoir, and MiG Alley. Cards were also provided describing each of the models.
Registration: August 20-21
Judging: August 31
Opening Day of the Fair: September 9
All Best of Show Winners
Section 471: Youth
Best of Show
Cayden Guerra
Apollo 11 Landing
Class | Description | Name | Place | Best of Show |
5 - Diorama | Apollo 11 Landing | Cayden Guerra | 1 | Yes |
Section 472: Senior Youth
Best of Show
Cole Darnell
USS Missouri Battleship
Class | Description | Name | Place | Best of Show |
15 - Powered Ships | Battleship USS Missouri | Cole Darnell | 1 | Yes |
Section 473: Adult
Best of Show
Byron Gore
IJN Nagato Battleship
Class | Description | Name | Place | Best of Show |
01 - Aircraft, Jet - Large Scale | F-14 Tomcat | Russell Levett | 1 | |
03 - Aircraft, Non-Jet - Large | Ju-87 Stuka Tank Buster | Brian Archer | 1 | |
05 - Diorama | Panzer III Ausf N | Byron Gore | 1 | |
05 - Diorama | RMS Titanic | Darren Wood | 2 | |
05 - Diorama | Downed Gotha | Cristian Correa | 3 | |
05 - Diorama | Panther G | David DeYoung | ||
05 - Diorama | Chuck Wagon | Kimberly Rogulich | ||
06 - Flying Models | "Big Daddy" Rocket | John C. Romero | 1 | |
06 - Flying Models | Cobra Rocket | Steven Worthen | 2 | |
06 - Flying Models | "Nike Snake" | John Walter | 3 | |
07 - Helicopters | Apache Helicopter | Mark Chino | 1 | |
08 - Military Vehicles - Fully Tracked | Long Track | Byron Gore | 1 | |
08 - Military Vehicles - Fully Tracked | M1 Abrams | David DeYoung | 2 | |
08 - Military Vehicles - Fully Tracked | PZ38T | Mark Vaughn | 3 | |
11 - Military Vehicles & Equipment - Non & Half Tracked - Large Scale | Radschlepper Ost Truck | Byron Gore | 1 | |
11 - Military Vehicles & Equipment - Non & Half Tracked - Large Scale | Tractor Trailer and Tank | Steven Worthen | 2 | |
12 - Miniature Figure - Single footed or mounted figure | German Engineer | Byron Gore | 1 | |
12 - Miniature Figure - Single footed or mounted figure | Parrot | Haley Gibson | 2 | |
13 - Miniature Figure Vignette | Carnival | Haley Gibson | 1 | |
14 - Miscellaneous | Farm House and Garden | Henry McHarney | 1 | |
14 - Miscellaneous | Washington Monument | Norman Carr | 2 | |
14 - Miscellaneous | Shark Cage | Selena L Chino | 3 | |
14 - Miscellaneous | House | Haley Gibson | ||
14 - Miscellaneous | Castle | Haley Gibson | ||
14 - Miscellaneous | Invisile Gummy Bear | Mark Vaughn | ||
15 - Powered Ships | IJN Nagato Battleship | Byron Gore | 1 | Yes |
15 - Powered Ships | USS Young Destroyer | Michael Hatfield | 2 | |
15 - Powered Ships | Paddle Wheel Boat | Mark Vaughn | 3 | |
16 - Sailing Ships & Oared | USS Constitution | Steven Worthen | 1 | |
16 - Sailing Ships & Oared | Black Pearl | Haley Gibson | 2 | |
17 - Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures | Dragon | Haley Gibson | 1 | |
17 - Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures | Godzilla King of the Monsters | Selena L Chino | 2 | |
17 - Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures | German Pilot Skull | Brad Smith | 3 | |
17 - Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures | Rayquaza | JD Atkinson | ||
18 - Science Fiction, Spacecraft | Klingon Bird of Prey | Byron Gore | 1 | |
18 - Science Fiction, Spacecraft | Mercury Capsule | Mark Vaughn | 2 | |
18 - Science Fiction, Spacecraft | USS Franklin Starship | Mark Chino | 3 | |
18 - Science Fiction, Spacecraft | Millenium Falcon | Haley Gibson |
Section 474: Professional
Best of Show
James Medina
Y-Wing Diorama
Class | Description | Name | Place | Best of Show |
02 - Aircraft , Jet - Small scale | F-86 Sabre Versus MiG-15 | Glenn Bingham | 1 | |
04 - Aircraft, Non-Jet - Small | Yak-9D | Michael Blohm | 1 | |
05 - Diorama | Warhorse Y-Wing Diorama | Jim Medina | 1 | Yes |
05 - Diorama | US Self-propelled 155mm Gun M40 | Glenn Bingham | 2 | |
05 - Diorama | Custer's Last Stand | Steve Miller | 3 | |
08 - Military Vehicles - Fully Tracked - Large Scale | Panther G | Jim Medina | 1 | |
09 - Military Vehicles - Fully Tracked - Small Scale | Panther G | Jim Medina | 1 | |
11 - Military Vehicles & Equipment - Non & Half Tracked - Large Scale | British Saladin AVC | Jeffrey West | 1 | |
12 - Miniature Figure - Single footed or mounted figure | Red Baron's Last Smoke | Chuck Herrman | 1 | |
13 - Miniature Figure Vignette | "Who Goes There?" | Jim Medina | 1 | |
13 - Miniature Figure Vignette | The Last Conference | Steve Miller | 2 | |
14 - Miscellaneous | Armored Assault Tank | Jim Medina | 1 | |
17 - Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures | RX-78 Gundam | Matthew Blohm | 1 | |
17 - Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures | Grogu | Jim Medina | 2 | |
17 - Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures | Joker | Chuck Herrman | 3 | |
18 - Science Fiction, Spacecraft | Hammerhead Cruiser | Jim Medina | 1 | |
18 - Science Fiction, Spacecraft | Bat Mobile | Chuck Herrman | 2 | |
18 - Science Fiction, Spacecraft | Mercury-Atlas 6 John Glenn | Michael Blohm | 3 |
ASM’s “Korean War 1950-1953” Display
The display’s theme was “The 71st Anniversary of the Korean War 1950-1953.” This was the same theme that was going to be used in 2020 until the fair was cancelled due to the pandemic.
We filled up a whole case with a total of 33 models covering the major aspects of the conflict. We had a mix of models in multiple scales from all the U.S. services, the United Nations (UN) allies, and North Korea. The display included a high level description of the Korean War and maps showing what had occurred during the invasion, the UN counterattack, the Chinese intervention, and the eventual stalemate. Information cards covered the major battles, including the retreat to the Punsan Perimeter, the Inchon Landing, the Chosin Reservoir, and MiG Alley. Cards were also provided describing each of the models. Pictures of the models are included below. More pictures of individual models will be posted soon.
The air war had the largest amount of models in the display with 21 total, mostly in 1/72 scale. These included US Air Force, US Navy and US Marine Corps (USMC) jets and propeller aircraft, a Sea Fury from the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy (1/48), and six aircraft flown by North Korea. The ground war section had four models. These included three US Army subjects: an M-26 Pershing heavy tank, a M4 Sherman medium tank; and a self-propelled M40 155mm gun of the 937th Field Artillery Battalion. North Korean armor was represented by a T-34/85 tank. These were in 1/35 scale, except for the Sherman, which was 1/48. The Inchon Landing section of the display included seven US Navy and US Army beach assault models–landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and ground vehicles and a soldier all in 1/72 scale. Three of the display models were also State Fair model contest entries. Scale breakdown for the display was 26 in 1/72, 4 in 1/48, 3 in 1/35, and 1 in 1/144 (included in the excellent F-86 Sabre Versus MiG-15 diorama built by Glenn Bingham to create a forced perspective).
Thanks to all the model contributors, who were as follows: Frank Randall (3), Glenn Bingham (2), Scott Jaworski (2), Bob Henderson (1), Ken Piniak (1), Mark Vaughn (1), and Mike Blohm (23). A large number of this last group of 23 models had been built to support ASM’s Korean War display during the “USAF 50th Anniversary” celebration at Kirtland AFB in 1997. 2022 will be the USAF’s 75th Anniversary.
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1-3 – Overall views of the display case, and the left and right halves.
4-6. Top shelf: Aircraft models in 1/72 scale plus maps and historical summary of the Korean War and information on “MiG Alley.”
4. North Korean Yakovlev Yak-9 “Frank” and Lavochkin La-11 “Fang” and the “F-86 Sabre versus MiG-15” diorama by Glenn Bingham depicting the third and final victory of Major John Glenn USMC who later became a Mercury Astronaut and U.S. Senator and flew a Space Shuttle mission.
5. Face off between the MiG-15 “Fagot” flown by Soviet ace Colonel Yevgeny Pepelyaev and the F-86 “Sabre” flown by USAF ace Capt. Joseph McConnell.
6. F-80 “Shooting Star” flown by 1Lt Russell Brown, who was the victor in the first jet versus jet air combat over a MiG-15; and an H-19 “Chickasaw” rescue helicopter.
7-9. Middle shelf: Aircraft models in 1/72 scale.
7. North Korean bombers Ilyushin IL-10 “Beast” (Sturmovik) and Tupolev Tu-2 “Bat,” and U.S. Navy F-2H “Banshee” and F9F “Panther.”
8. U.S. night fighters: F4U-5N “Corsair” flown by Lt Guy Bordelon, the only USN ace in the Korean War; F-94B “Starfire” flown by Capt. Ben Fithian and 1Lt Samuel Lyons who downed an La-9; and the F-82G “Twin Mustang” flown by 1Lt Skeeter Hudson and 1Lt Carl Fraser who scored the first aerial victory in the Korean War defending Seoul. Lastly is the F-86E Sabre flown by ace Capt Harold Fischer.
9. F-84E “Thunderjet” flown by 1Lt Jacob Kratt the top-scoring F-84 pilot with three victories (two over MiG-15s); a B-26 “Invader;” an LT-6G “Mosquito” forward air controller aircraft; and an F-51D “Mustang” flown by 1Lt James Glessner, who scored a Yak-9 victory.
10-12. Bottom shelf showing the ground war with info cards on the most significant battles during the war. Also includes some 1/48 scale aircraft.
10. Diorama of a M40 self-propelled 155mm gun motor carriage of the 937th Field Artillery Battalion built by Glenn Bingham.
11. U.S. M26 “Pershing and M4 “Sherman” tanks and North Korean T-34/85 tank (actually in Soviet markings). F-80 “Shooting Star” and UK Royal Navy Hawker “Sea Fury” and a USAF pilot figure all in 1/48 scale.
12. Models in 1/72 scale covering the Battle of Inchon invasion from the sea: Willys Jeep, M4 Sherman tank, U.S. infantryman, LVT-4 AMTRAC, DUKW, Landing Craft Mechanized Mk III, and Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel “Higgins Boat.”
13-17. Maps shown in the display depicting North and South Korea, the phases of the conflict, and “MiG Alley.”