February 2025 – Meeting Recap

Club Business

It was swap meet night! Model and Modeler of the Year plaques were handed out. 

If you owe ASM Member Due’s, please pay at your earliest convenience. Finances are tight with increased room rate.

Jim Coatney and Dave Tingley gave a briefing on their experience at ModelZona (both won awards for their models). There were approximately 800 models on the tables and the competition was tough. Less categories/splits made for a lot of competition. They definitely recommend AirBnB as a much cheaper and closer option for lodging, and a Friday – Sunday trip was very easy to Phoenix.

Chuck Hermann provided spoke about upcoming events with the Albuquerque Model Car Club (AMCC). They will host another contest at the UNM CE building later this year. Details will be posted here once they are finalized.

The Cavalcade of Wings displays are complete, models have been moved, and the area is now accessible to the public. Be sure to check it out the next time you’re at the airport!