2018 Air Force Anniversary Ball
The ASM model display at the 2018 Air Force Ball was a big success. The event was the celebration of the 71st birthday of the USAF (September 18, 1947), and was held on September 15th at Kirtland AFB.
The ASM model display at the 2018 Air Force Ball was a big success. The event was the celebration of the 71st birthday of the USAF (September 18, 1947), and was held on September 15th at Kirtland AFB.
The ASM model display at the September 23, 2017, Folds of Honor (FoH) Patriot Gala fund-raising event at the Sandia Resort and Casino went very well.
The Albuquerque Scale Modelers (ASM) conducted a fantastic model display at the Kirtland AFB Airshow on Saturday June 4th and Sunday June 5th, 2016.
ASM is supporting the Defense Nuclear Weapons School’s (DNWS) Nuclear Weapons Instructional Museum by building new models and repairing models for its Nuclear Weapons Heritage Model Display. Loaner models from ASM members are also being provided for the display.
Albuquerque Comic Expo (ACE) was held the weekend of June 27 – 29 at the Albuquerque Convention Center, and certainly lived up to its reputation as the premier comics / science fiction / fantasy show of this area.
The Albuquerque Scale Modelers (ASM) put on a model display on June 22-23 at the Albuquerque Comic Expo (ACE) 2013.
The Albuquerque Scale Modelers (ASM) put on a model display (show) on June 9-10 in support of the Albuquerque Comic Expo (ACE) 2012.
For the first time ever, a local plastic modeler’s club has participated in an Albuquerque-based air show as guests of Kirtland Air Force Base’s “Open House.”
ASM’s World War II Model Display has been resurrected at the New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial and Museum.
This ASM display covers the history of World War II, and the events leading to the development and use of the atomic bomb. The display is broken down into the Pacific and China-Burma-India (CBI) theaters of operation in one case, and the European and Mediterranean theater of operation in the other.