Recent website posts
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Squadron now offers four different hot sauce flavors for the discriminating palate, with each bottle adorned with artwork of a favorite WWII U.S. combat aircraft.
With Thanksgiving just a few weeks out and the end of the year approaching, it’s a good time to take stock and provide a status update on the club.
Summary of the November 2024 meeting and contest results.
Modelzona is now Saturday, February 1, 2025.
From artist John Sharp, a scratch built miniature of a local landmark – the Lucky Boy burger joint.
Using firecrackers to enhance the drama of scale model photography.
The toughest task in figure painting is getting the eyes right.
Summary of the October 2024 meeting and contest results.
A handy way to move large models!
A range of socks is available for the dedicated modeling enthusiast who wants a nice pair of “landing gear.”